
Strengthening Bones and Muscles: The Impact of LifeWave X49 Patch on Aging Women’s Health

In the pursuit of improved health and vitality, especially for aging women, the LifeWave X49 patch emerges as a groundbreaking development in the realm of phototherapy and wellness. A detailed study titled "Bone and Muscle Support in Aging Women with LifeWave X49 Patch" by Connor MH et al., provides a comprehensive analysis of this innovative technology. This blog post aims to encapsulate the essence of this study, elucidating the methodology, significant findings, and the promising implications for women's health, particularly in supporting bone and muscle health.

Introduction to the LifeWave X49 Patch

The LifeWave X49 patch represents a paradigm shift in health and wellness, offering a new approach to enhancing bone and muscle health in women aged 40-80. The technology at the heart of LifeWave is phototherapy, a method that utilizes light in specific wavelengths to stimulate a specific physiological change. Unlike traditional transdermal patches, LifeWave’s patches are non-transdermal, meaning they don’t introduce any substances into the body. Instead, they harness the power of light to support the body’s natural processes, a process the study aimed to explore and quantify.

The Science Behind LifeWave X49 Patches

LifeWave X49 patches are designed to stimulate acupuncture points by several mechanisms involving both acupressure and energetic principles. The patches are comprised of non-toxic materials that reflect energy back into the body when placed on acupuncture points. This process enhances the electrical conductivity of the skin and offers a new method of stimulating acupuncture points. The patches passively absorb wide-band infrared energy and re-emit narrow-band infrared energy back into the body, eliciting specific responses depending on the product.

Study Overview

The study embarked on a mission to explore the impact of the X49 patch on bone and muscle health in aging women. A sample of 24 subjects was selected to participate, with the goal of 20 subjects completing the study. The participants used the X49 patch at the GB34 point and X39 patch at the CV6 point or GV14 point. The study spanned 60 days, with measures taken at baseline, day 2, 7, 30, and 60 days of wearing the patch.


Participants underwent metabolic testing, including urine and blood samples, to determine significant changes in levels of AHK-Cu and other relevant biomarkers. The study utilized a range of tests to measure the impact of the patch on bone and muscle health. Subjects were asked to wear either the placebo or active patch one hour before testing on specific acupuncture points. The study was randomized and double-blind to ensure unbiased results.

Key Findings

The results of the study were significant and promising:

  1. Bone and Muscle Health: Significant decreases from baseline were observed for AHK-Cu, suggesting that the X49 patch supports bone and muscle health in aging women.
  2. Amino Acid Changes: The study observed 14 amino acids change production levels at significance over the 60 days, indicating a broad impact on various metabolic pathways.
  3. Support for Bone Density: The study explores changes in AHK-Cu peptide production and changes in NTx production to see if the LifeWave X49 patch supports improved bone density. There was a significant change in both AHK-Cu and NTx, suggesting the patch’s potential in supporting bone health.

Conclusion and Future Directions

The study concludes that the LifeWave X49 patch supports significant changes in bone and muscle health in aging women. The overall changes observed in the study warrant further research, particularly with a larger population and a longer duration, to validate these promising results and explore the full potential of this innovative technology.

As we navigate the path towards holistic health and well-being, the LifeWave X49 patch stands as a testament to the potential of light in enhancing bone and muscle health, especially in aging women. Its potential in improving quality of life and managing various health parameters is a beacon of hope in the continuous journey of medical innovation.

For those interested in exploring the intricate details of this pioneering study, the full research article is available here.


Connor MH, Connor CA, Horzempa D, Yue D, Eickhoff J, et al. (2022). Bone and Muscle Support in Aging Women with LifeWave X49 Patch. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res, 47(3). DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.47.007513

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